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#1099668 - 26.01.15 12:20 Annual meeting at ascension day 2015
Moderator Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8.953

After some discussions the location of the big annual meeting got decided. It will be at Offenburg. Also we will develop some tracks to find the campground and for some day trips as well.

The new information will be found at Meeting 2015

The dates for the meeting are: Arrival Wednesday 2015.05.13, departure at Sunday 2015.05.17.
The Ascension day at Thursday is a public Holiday in Germany (fathers day), so all shops are closed. Side note: at fathers day the daddy's get the special license by their spouse to get seriously drunk, so ride with care in the late afternoon.

Location: Camping Gifizsee. Details about the rate to be found in the wiki page.

By train you can get to Offenburg pretty easy.

In the recent years the annual meeting was perfectly organized. There has been a request by many of the participants that we allow a little more organic growth of the meeting. This will be the case this time.

So it is the responsibility of every one there at the meeting to make it a success. The orga team will not do micro management for the group, you are experienced travelers so it is not necessary.It is your show, folks.

At the campground we will have a huge tent reserved for us. Tables and benches are in this tent. Close to this tent there is a barbecue place and the bonfire place.

At the campground there is also a small lake and a beach.

As time goes by, more information will be in the wiki page.

Hope we will see you there.
Cycling is an addiction, it can drive you quite insane. It can rule your life as truly as strong whiskey and cocaine.
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