Hallo zusammen,
über das internationale Übernachtungsnetzwerk
warmshowers ähnlich unserem 'Netz' und dem ADFC 'Dachgeber' haben uns zwei Amerikanerinnen kontaktiert, die im Juli/August zwischen Amsterdam-Köln-Heidelberg-Bodensee-Basel unterwegs sind.
Mary & Cathy Tillotson würden sich über Kontakte und Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten an der Strecke freuen. Da wir in der Zeit leider selber 'on tour' sind habe ich versprochen ihre Anfrage hier publik zu machen. Was hiermit geschieht
Hello,my name is Mary Tillotson and my sister and I are planning a cycling trip to Europe this summer, our first trip to Europe. We are cycling from Amsterdam through Germany and into Switzerland in July and early August.
We had planned a stop in Heidelberg but it seems you are the closest possiblity of cyclists hospitality through warmshowers.org in this area. We think we will be in your area about July 16th 17, 18th. Are you interested or able to host 2 sisters for a day or two during that time? A little about us, we are from Washington State in the Northwest corner of the USA. We have spent a lot of the last 13 summers cycling together. We both work in the school systems, Cathy is a speech language pathologist and I am a School Nurse. We are very grateful for your response and hope to hear from you soon.Thank you so much
Mary Tillotson
Angebote über
warmshowers oder per PN über mich.
Gruß, Peter