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#319088 - 16.03.07 22:30 Cycling Blog Updated
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 52

It is for me a pleasure being able to inform you that finally, I could update my cycling blog :-)

This blog is written with the purpose of presenting the reports of several cycling rides that I have performed in the last year and a half. In the blog are presented the dynamic GPS TrackMaps of the routes, geo-referenced photographs, altimetries, route tracks (in GPX format), cycling stats, and a brief report of the ride (some rides even have videos of the GPS tracks). The blog currently features more than 60 reports of different cycling rides.

I would kindly thank you if you could pay my blog a visit, and if you could comment me something about its content of format, I would be really thankful. This blog is published at the following address:


Now my blog has a better layout that allows for an immediate localization of the presented cycling rides: You can select them by destination or by date, using the right side bar, where all the rides are allocated in alphabetical (or temporal) order.

Furthermore, I have added about 30 cycling rides more to the blog, rides that were stored in some memory hole :-) But now they have new life, so you could have more reports :-)

Additionally, I have added more photographs to the blog, so, for each ride, you could immediately see one picture, aside from the usual links to the rest of the photos and photoset maps.

Last but not least, I have made the blog lighter, so it does not make a burden of your internet connexion :-)

I do sincerely hope this blog could be useful for you. Any comment about the content or format of this blog will be highly appreciated.

Please receive my best wishes and I thank you for your attention

PS: Some blog entries are still missing the writing chronicle (which I will promptly finish), but all the photos, photoset maps, Trackmaps, GPS tracks and videos are already available for each presented ride :-)
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