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#324618 - 07.04.07 07:23 CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 3.250
Hey all,

Just wondering if anybody is also heading to China via Centralasia and likes to team up to ride some stretches together?

I am currently in Erzurum/Turkey on the way to Georgia & Azerbaidjan. My prefered route would be going via Iran, Afghanistan, Tadjikistan... But have some problems with the iranian visa at the moment - meaning I don't have one yet, but will reapply in Tbilisi. In case I shouldn't be able to get one I might consider to take the ferry to Kazakhstan and go via Uzbekistan to Tadjikistan and Kirgisistan on to China.

Am 35, pretty much relaxed and easy going, aiming at 100km/day - on good days it can be also 150 on bad days only 60. Like to stop when worthwhile then rather sticking to a tight schedule.

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#324809 - 08.04.07 13:36 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: macrusher]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 414

I will cycle together with a friend from Istanbul to Tibet and further starting may 2nd so you have a headstart.

We will be in Iran between 5.06 and 05.07 and afterwards cycle through central asia (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan) to Tibet.
So perhaps we can cycle some parts together depending on your route and schedule.
Just check http://itchy-wheels.exploder.org for tour updates smile

Good luck with your Iranian visa and cycle the world,
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#324890 - 09.04.07 07:40 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: whisky]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 3.250
Hi Whisky,

all depends on the visas (contacted an agency now to speed up things..) - assuming I will be getting the iranian visa I personally would like to go to Afghanistan instead of doing the standard route through central asia, but don't know yet. Will decide it in Maschhad after evaluating the current situation in A. with the local afghan community there. Triplets can suck - but yeah, let's stay in touch and give it a try if routes/schedules work out well.


Geändert von macrusher (09.04.07 07:45)
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#324896 - 09.04.07 08:10 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: macrusher]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 414
Originally posted by: macrusher

Hi Whisky,

all depends on the visas (contacted an agency now to speed up things..) - assuming I will be getting the iranian visa I personally would like to go to Afghanistan instead of doing the standard route through central asia, but don't know yet.

Be carefull not to be kidnapped and beheaded by the Taliban, arrested by the NATO or randomly blown to pieces or shot laugh
But there are plenty of places in Afganistan where you can cycle safely at the moment. I don't know if they issue tourist visa at the moment because of the war.

I would think twice before going to Afganistan at the moment to be honest. You could join us and cycle through the Pamirs to get the same feeling of remoteness but the people and their culture is different though, that's true. But they have landmines, too grin

Cycle the world,

Geändert von whisky (09.04.07 08:19)
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#326165 - 14.04.07 17:42 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: whisky]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 3.250
Hi Whisky,

I know there are places in the world where you have tobe careful. I've been "Kurdistan" already - quite hostile and no fun cycling alone! Afghanistan is very tempting - believe me: I thought about it at least 3 times... grin and still thinking about it - I'm not a hazardeur though. Got my Tadjik Visa already. Definitely want to cycle the Pamir Highway. Currently in Tbilisi trying to sort out my Iran-visa issue...

Take care and have a good start!

Geändert von macrusher (14.04.07 17:45)
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#327965 - 22.04.07 11:15 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: macrusher]
Gewerblicher Teilnehmer
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8
Hi, I'm thinking over a summer journey, probably through Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, having Tashkent as a starting and ending point. I might be in Uzbekistan in July, being you there in that month we could join and cycle together as far as Torugart pass if you like, let me know please. I'm Elia, male, 34 from Italy, bye.
elia bittesnich
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#328188 - 23.04.07 01:56 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: elia]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 2
I to have a hankering to cycle through central asia! I've quit my job, left New Zealand and just need to do it! No set in stone plans yet, would be great to have some company. My e mail is manu00@xtra.co.nz
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#328576 - 24.04.07 09:43 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: whisky]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 1
I want begin travel from July, My destination is Tibet too.
I hope can meet you in Tibet. I will Start from Chengdu city,China.

Good luck with you.

Geändert von akey (24.04.07 09:44)
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#328593 - 24.04.07 10:13 Re: CENTRALASIA 2007 - 2ND [Re: akey]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 414
Hi Akay!

We will be in Kashgar/Kashi at the start of September and cycle from there to Ali and further into Tibet.
Which route do you take?

Cycle the world,
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