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#374682 - 30.09.07 17:33 Cape North - Noway
Hurricane Steve
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 4
Hi Community

I am thinking of cycling from Oslo to Cape North in Noway next Year.
Does anybody have experience and could anybody help with things like:
1.The better map to use.
2.Realistic daily distance(fully loaded and camping)
3.Best time of year.
4.Best suited route.

I was thinking of taking a Month off work to cycle both ways, if this is too ambitious please let me know, I am all ears!!

laugh smile

Regards Steve Brown 'Project 365' A Cape to Cape cycle tour. www.faction-adventure.de
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#374745 - 30.09.07 20:10 Re: Cape North - Noway [Re: Hurricane Steve]
Nicht registriert
Hi Steve

I are was 2003 on the way of Oslo to the North Cape.
1) the best cards you only need card 2-5th card 1 of Kümmerling+Freyr (Cappelen Kart) Road Map 1:400000 if you want to go from Oslo over Bergen
Have we calculatedly
2) with approx. 80 km. We had a little more than 25 kg of baggage at that time. Arrive also on the weather.
3)The best time is June end of August of end. One can before and after this have snow.
4) We are gone to Trontheim and from there from Oslo at along the coast to Mo I Rana and from there on
the E 6 there aren't any excellent alternatives.
We are driven for 4 weeks (2400 km) at that time and had 2 days quiet. Rod for the return journey with and I have needed $ days for the train the nimble. But consider the wintertime starts at the train connections as of 2008.08.17, you then can take your wheel along only with a train the train against 12:00 as train oil commercial possibility is cancelled for your wheel there, then.

Baye and luck has
Uwe wink wink
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#374811 - 01.10.07 07:39 Re: Cape North - Noway [Re: Hurricane Steve]
Hurricane Steve
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 4
Hi Uwe
Many thanks for the reply, I have read your report on your website and will plan accordingly.

Vielen dank fur deine antwort, ich habe deine tourbericht auf diene websiete gelesen. grin

Thanks and Regards
Regards Steve Brown 'Project 365' A Cape to Cape cycle tour. www.faction-adventure.de
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#374899 - 01.10.07 12:54 Re: Cape North - Noway [Re: Hurricane Steve]
Nicht registriert
Hi Steve,
I don't have any problem with that and am always glad, too if somebody helps me. Unfortunately, this is my English so bad I must use a translation program.
Greetings Uwe smile
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#393949 - 07.12.07 21:51 Re: Cape North - Noway [Re: Hurricane Steve]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 8

I thought about going to the Northern Cape as well, butt I have to admit that I never thougt about doing it in less than 8 till 10 weeks. I counted around 4500 km or more!
Maybe your a bit more keen in going over 100 km each day.

To all your questions:

If you are able to read a bit German so there is a similar thread right now on the bike forum. You find it here

If your not able to read German, I would be glad helping you to translate the major facts.

________________________________________________ Schon mal in Albanien gewesen? Nein? Dann aber los!!! www.napetsia.de
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