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#506496 - 12.03.09 07:14 4-6 Weeks for a Tandemprojekt for deaf-BRASIL!
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 112
Unterwegs in Deutschland

mid august to Mid/end september 2009 BRASIL

Hi there!
I am looking for a woman that is steering the second tandem bike during a tandem charity project in Brasil and eventually Bolivia/Peru.
My website gobybike.de isn`t yet in acualized in English, but in rare words: this is my thir big tandem project. It is about bringing some youths (also female, that´s why I am looking for a female partner, too)into nature and adventure (sleeping in tent, washing in lakes, etc.) and on the other hand sign-language workshops shall be given by the deaf participants in usual schools in order to better the image of deaf people in these countries. It´s my dedicated "mission" to encourage the local press to report about the tour itself as well as about the sign-languag-workshop.
The deaf people between 15 and 25 will be found also locally in the projects supported by my patron "Christian Blind Mission". No worries about "Mission" and "Christian". I am not confessional, but what this NGO does is good. What happens in their supported project is great and deaf people and/pr sign-language interests me (at least) a lot.

Now to YOU. If possible you should be female, as I already explained, it´s productive for the project´s objective.
If from Europe you could theoreticly come with me on the containership that leaves Hamburg 8/2/2009 and tales 12 days to Salvador. It cost´s on sponsored basis as much as a cheap flight: 730 Euros.
I plan to be in the first project near Rio de J. in the third august week. After learning some basics in local sign-langage and OVER ALL getting to know some of the older pupils of - in this particular case - 16-19 years, we could start. Where and how long the first circle will be, I can´t say. My idea is to draw maximum 10 circles in four months in the countries BR, BOL, Peru and ECUADOR.
As I have already other Pilots and I am looking for somebody in Brasil, I meantened Brasil..
If you speak Portuguese: perfect, if you speak Spanish like me: well, better that nothing (-:
If it´s english or french: pas de probleme. I speak them both, but I can´t anticipate how well you will come through Brasil with it...
BUT THE MOST important requirement for this tor is: that you support the idea, that you can organise the 2000 Euro (about) which schould be necesarry for flights and fooding during 4 to 6 weeks, that you are open and interested in the issue "deafness" and that you bring with you strong nerves.

If you have read untill here: fine, you seem to be interested.
skype: sebastianburger
Germany Cell phone 00491774903033 fro sms e.g.
on EU landline phones I can call you back...

Bye, Sebastian
Ich bin eine untreue Mumu hier im Forum. Komme immer nur, wenn ich was wissen muss. Dafür investiere ich viel Zeit in Sachen Gesundheitsaufklärung: www.mut-tour.de
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