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#87480 - 04.05.04 11:18 Round the World starting Spring 2006
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Beiträge: 3.250
Hi There,

I'm from the Stuttgart area in Germany, planning on the big trip. thought to see if anybody is interested/doing the same...
I'm 33 yo. male, able to do 100-120km/day in normal conditions. Although, the focus should not be on sportivity than rather
on travelling, experience nature, countries & people and also oneself.

I also intent to work whereever possible, as a matter to extend stays and to get known better to countries, languages and habits
of the local folks. Not to forget about making some money...

Ideally I expect from travelling with a partner/fellow traveller to team up and not to compete against each other.

My favoured direction would be heading East, either through former Soviet Union or going down to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan,
Westchina/Tibet, India... afterwards head to Southeast Asia, Oz, NZ, Americas, Africa...

Alternatively I could also imagine to go through Africa and from there to South America or Australia

Generally I would be willing to do this trip all by myself - but perhaps there is somebody who has the same thoughts?
I believe it is a great personal benefit travelling together with someone else - being aware of the problems this also causes.
But how about starting off together and stay together as long as it lasts?

I believe, I've got what it takes, being rather easy going and down to earth, with a strong desire to expierence this gorgeous
world of ours!

Female "applicants" are explicitly welcome! wink

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#89014 - 11.05.04 22:58 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
Nicht registriert
hi mac,

I am also one who's dreaming about the same. thinking of traveling alone round the globe, but i suppose if one has a travelling partner with similar views, it could be a challenge and useful cooperation at the same time.

think also of another trip from alaska down do chile before going round the globe. like also the idea of afrika and south america. 29, f, residing in lithuania, germany and spain. in june in germany.

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#149218 - 08.02.05 18:37 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 4
Hi There!
It's long time to start, but I'd like to know about your tour. May be I'm gonna join you from Europa to South Asia.
See you.
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#166481 - 19.04.05 22:13 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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my name is miguel,,,i'm interesting in your idea,,,,,my question is....how much it cost?,,,,,,i depends of that,,,,I wants to do a trip across asia,,,,,and africa, like u ,,,,,,regards

confused grin smirk
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#166655 - 20.04.05 13:29 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: mammut]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Originally posted by: mammut

my name is miguel,,,i'm interesting in your idea,,,,,my question is....how much it cost?,,,,,,i depends of that,,,,I wants to do a trip across asia,,,,,and africa, like u ,,,,,,regards

confused grin smirk

hey Miguel,

don't know for the whole trip, but calculating on an average of ~ $500/month excluding expenses for international flights, (optional) insurances and expenses for maintaining stuff at home (bank account, remaining stuff at home(if any)). You might need less when going to Asia.
As labour abroad is mostly cheap, and wages are relatively low, the key is not to spend money, but work for food and accomodation, equipment etc., where possible.

Am currently focusing on Latin-America. So, at the moment I'll plan on going west - down to Spain, take a plane to Fireland and heading up north from there...

see ya,
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#167628 - 23.04.05 15:42 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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Beiträge: 15
You are talking about a world-class bicycling odyssey here. The African adventure (Cairo to Capetown) has intrigued me now for years, and it is one epic journey that I would prefer to do with another, and like yourself, preferably with an opposite other, opposite meaning woman.

Traveling by velocipede across the dark continent must be extremely economical. "Miles From Nowhere" a book about a married couple who cycled around the world, gives some hair raising and also nice accounts of bicycling from Cairo and going south. I think I might like to try that some time. I would need more information about road conditions. For example, can the trip be completed by touring bike (27 by 1 1/4 inch wheels) or is a trail bike required in some areas?
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#167963 - 25.04.05 10:02 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: reggie1]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Hi John,

For travelling 3rd World Countries especially when hauling heavy loads at the same time, I would always go for a 26" bike with a steelframe and no suspension. Your question if it is generally possible to do it on a 27" touring bike: yes it is. It just depends on your travelling (and maintenance-) preferences. Without having been there myself, I believe you need to be prepared for bad road conditions - especially the poorer the countries, the worse the road conditions. In Sudan, for example, there are streches where there are no roads at all, so you need to follow the railway or take a truckride. Also, when the rainseason starts you will get problems with mud due to unsealed roads.

In general, there is no perfect bike to a trip like this: in some areas you're better off with a light and fast touring bike, and then there are areas where you would need an MTB for heavy duty purposes. Also, it's pretty much up to one's personal taste what to ride or which equipment is seen to be needed.

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#168018 - 25.04.05 15:28 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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Beiträge: 15
Hello Andreas:

Yes, then is is possible to do the tour, in Africa for example, on a touring bike. That is one tour that seems likely worth trying. Another one of interest is the Point Barrow, Alaska to Tierra del Fuego expedition, partly because it is long and exotic, and partly because it would make for a good book, and also because prices south of the border are known to be substantially lower
than in the USA. An English cyclist from Manchester who recently spent three months cycling Mexico said that his cost there was about four to five dollars a day, US dollars that is.
He was saying how he could purchase a foot-high stack of burritos for two dollars, and that a motel room could be had for four dollars. Of course, we are not talking the Ritz here, but when on tour who needs the Ritz.

Yes, the roads in poor developing countries can be too rough. Cycling in Ukraine was challenging like that because many stretches of road were so patched up, occluded, cracked, pot-holed, and gone to the dogs that it was necessary to use the hard-packed earthen pathways aside the roads to get reasonable milage in comfort. One sees so many of the old, green, military style motorcyces with the side cars in that part of the world. The side cars are necessary because the roads are so rough they are needed for stability to remain upright at any speed worth traveling.

The P.R. China has good roads for cycling. I would recommend
the smaller back roads. Main commercial arteries of transportation may be more direct lines between A and B, but for that same reason they are primary conduits for commercial traffic, commercial traffic meaning many large and extremely polluting trucks, not to mention all the other traffic that will choke the life out of the cyclist. One day of cycling these open gas chambers called roadways will leave your face sooty, your clothes saturated with the stuff and your lungs searching for relief. Roadways in Ukraine were extremely polluted, far and away a mulitplicity of times worse than anything I have ever seen anywhere in the world, so far.
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#168069 - 25.04.05 18:15 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: reggie1]
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Beiträge: 3.250
hey John,

sounds like you have travelled the world quite a bit already. have you heard about the "Too Tyred Tour"? It's about three US guys going on a RTW-Trip taking 8 (?) years. It's a DVD and probably the only movie about an RTW-tour. Currently I'm planning about going down to Spain and from there on to Fireland to start the journey northwards... Would actually love to go to all places at the same time, but need to start somewhere... wink Africa is probably the most demanding and Central Asia is 2nd, so I think it 'd be a good idea to start off going to Latinamerica as german citizens also do not require visas and the language will remain the same from fireland up to mexico (except brazil). BTW: if carrying on to the US: do you think it is possible at all/easy/difficult to get casual work to stock up on funds in the US?

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#170255 - 03.05.05 22:42 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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Beiträge: 15
Looked up too tyred. Quite a journey indeed.

As for casual labor or work in the USA, there is a book titled "Work Your Way Around the World." Ranches out in the western part of the country are supposedly known for having casual work available. It is even possible to stop and offer to paint a house that needs it with the owner providing the materials, of course. Many small towns and almost ever city has day labor organizations that might give some casual work to the bicycling traveler. You would locate them under employment in the yellow pages, and they all seem to have their own names, e.g., Handy Andy, Labor Finders, Labor Pool, Manpower etc.
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#170942 - 07.05.05 06:48 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: reggie1]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Sounds promising! Already own the book but it's always good to have the opinion of locals. Will especially keep this housepainting-thing in mind...

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#178240 - 05.06.05 22:00 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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I'm (23 year old male) riding from Point Barrow to Tierra del Feugo, starting next summer. Going to ride the spine (continental divide) down. Avoid cars as much as possible enjoy riding as much as possible. Thinking that we have similar ideals for the trip (no rush, enjoy the journey, etc) Minimal planning so far, but we (two-three dedicated guys) are looking for more riders, considering ways to get supported for the ride, but also going to spend as little money as humanly possible. Would like to dialogue with you about your research and thoughts on the trip. Get back to me if you can.
Jacob Thompson
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#178612 - 07.06.05 08:15 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 3

If you will go through Russia and other former soviet countries
I can help you with lots of informations and places to stay with russian cycle tourists, local bike shops where you can buy tubes or tyres etc.

If you need really good bike for your trip I can suggest you to build your bike yourself from various parts you choose
Then I can help you with quality titanium parts like frame,
front fork etc.
Feel free contact me titerra@yahoo.com

Good luck! Victor
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#178756 - 07.06.05 17:19 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: jtucsc]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Hey Jacob,

would love to share my thoughts with you guys, but am bit busy at least until next weekend. Care to provide some more info about you and your project? Just PM me. Will get back to you as soon as I can.

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#205102 - 30.09.05 17:22 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: jtucsc]
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Buenos Dias Jacob, my name is Jeremiah Grell, a 23 year old native of Nebraska and avid cyclist since the day i turned 4. i am currently traveling Costa Rica with my girlfriend, unfortunately sin bicicleta. my travels have really opened my mind up to the thought of doing some serious bicycle tours. I have interests in making the 2006 tour but a trip through south america sounds equally intriguing. I just graduated my the university of nebraska with a minor in spanish so i really enjoy anything latino. Costa rica has been amazing and i can hardly imagen what tierra del fuego is like. if my funds work out right i would be interested in your trip. if you have any details, please send. juicygoodnes@hotmail.com. i just got a nice sierra designs 2 person for my birthday and i am looking forward to using it. hope to hear from you, jeremiah
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#220145 - 22.12.05 18:34 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 2
Unterwegs in Ukraine


I am currently teaching in Ukraine and would like to become a part of this tour, particularly if you go through former Soviet states.

John Clark
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#224004 - 13.01.06 17:50 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
blue sky
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Beiträge: 8
I´m highly interested in your plans. Pittyfull i haven´t read your search earlier. Guess everything is worked out by now an you are about to start soon. As a matter of fact I am a litlle to frightend to cicle through areas likeTurky, Iran and Pakistan all by myselph ( female, 27, blond wink ) but with a companion I might do it [ Let not my mother here that !]. My favorite route is to go north to skandinavia and than east through former soviet union, through mongolai and what ever will come. I very agree abaout your thoughts of travveling together. Cicling NZ in 6 rainy weeks made me understand, that some moments become better moments if you chere them with others.

I´m starting in juli, but whereto I havent deffinetly decided jet. Have you found someone jet? When will you start? If you are interesstet in crossing russia and mongolia a little later, let me know.

Maybe we will meet on the road, who knows...

Would love to here from you,
Kathrin (germany, area Darmstadt) laugh
Je nachdem wie viel Mut ein Mensch hat, schrumpft oder weitet sich sein Leben (Anais Nin)
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#226174 - 27.01.06 00:16 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: blue sky]
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Blue Sky:

In July I'll be in Ukraine heading East through a bit of Russia, most of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan where I'll then turn into China. Your welcome to join along through Kyrgyzstan, where you could then onward route to Mongolia.

e-mail: jfoneg ("at symbol") yahoo ("dot or period") com
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#238075 - 03.04.06 06:05 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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Hi My name is Tomasz, I come from Poland. I`ve got similar plan like you so I am really intrested. Unfortunetly I cannot start the travel before the end of August 2006. In addition I am a male. Write to me please if you can delay your start. or may be we can join somewhere.
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#238079 - 03.04.06 06:16 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: blue sky]
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Hi My name is Tomasz I come from Poland. In August/September I would like start to travel round the World I am intrested partially your plan ( I was in Mongolia so I would like to see other countries) if you are intrested please write to me
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#240746 - 12.04.06 11:10 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: Tomasz]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Hi Tomasz,

wrote an email - did you get it?

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Off-topic #240885 - 12.04.06 20:20 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: Camel]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 414
Hi Camel and others!

I plan to bike from Germany (or Holland) to Nepal in Spring 2007 through Tsjech, Slovenia, Ukrain, (little) South Russia, Kazachstan, Kirchizistan and (a little) west China.

What maps do you all use for Ukrain, Kazachstan, Kirchizstan, Russia and China? And how do you plan the Visa you need?

Cycle the world,

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Off-topic #241063 - 13.04.06 15:45 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: whisky]
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Beiträge: 3.250
Originally posted by: whisky

Hi Camel and others!

I plan to bike from Germany (or Holland) to Nepal in Spring 2007 through Tsjech, Slovenia, Ukrain, (little) South Russia, Kazachstan, Kirchizistan and (a little) west China.

What maps do you all use for Ukrain, Kazachstan, Kirchizstan, Russia and China? And how do you plan the Visa you need?

Cycle the world,


Hi Whisky,

I will use Reise Know How Maps (World Mapping Project) - There's a thread about those in the german part of the forum. It seems like it heavily depends on the respective country the map is for, whether they are considered to be good or not. I will use them and if I think they are crap I will get some other maps. Should'nt be too much of a problem to have them shipped internationally in a globalized world...

Have a look also on Corax' Page regarding maps for china.

Regarding the Visas: Ankara is considered to be the best place to pick up visas for Central Asia. Tbilisi (Georgia) is also considered to be a good place. Unfortunately you don't plan to come through on of those countries. If I would be you and the route is pretty much fixed (meaning planable in a timely manner), I would consult some visa-agerncy and let them organize the visas (at least for Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.
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#245748 - 01.05.06 20:20 Re: Round the World starting Spring 2006 [Re: macrusher]
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Beiträge: 4
Hi Andreas, when do you start?
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